Chances are you will be unaware that the PCC elections are
happening this Thursday (NOVEMBER 15th)
in this blog I will be focusing on my local Humberside elections but
the reasons to vote are the same all over the country. This blog will cover:
- Why You Should Vote
- The duties and powers of a Police Crime Commissioner
- How to vote/ The Voting System
- The Humberside candidates
Why You
Should Vote
One of the big reasons to vote is because it gives you a voice on
how you want your local community to be policed each candidate has something
different planned for your local area some may want more or less speed cameras,
some may be intending to put more bobbies on the beat, each candidate will offer
something different. It is a certain
thing you won’t want one or two to be running your local police force and there
will be at least one you think can get the job done, the only way to get your
man or woman into the job is get out and vote.
Another reason to vote is that the Police Crime Commissioners will be powerful
individuals many pundits are saying that people won’t realise how important
these elections actually are until the chance to vote has passed people by, of
course you can vote next time round but the damage will have been done, so it
really is worth taking the time to learn about the candidates and casting your
The duties and powers of a Police Crime Commissioner
Here are some of the main powers and duties of the new Police
- Holding the chief constable to account for the delivery of the force.
- Setting and updating a police and crime plan
- Setting the force budget and precept
- Regularly engaging with the public and communities
- Appointing, and where necessary dismissing, the chief constable
It is important to note that although the new PCC’s will not be in
control of police operations the police is not being politicised. (This basically
means who is arrested and how investigations work will not become political
How to
vote/ The Voting system

Polling stations open at 0700 and will close at 2200 on the 15th of November, the voting system being used for these elections is the Supplementary voting system. Your ballot paper will have the candidates name followed by two boxes like the one above. In this election you can vote for two candidates a first choice and a second choice candidate or you can vote for just one. Voting is simple firstly read your ballot paper carefully as it may be slightly different from the one above but you will then put a X in the 1st choice box next to your first choice candidate and then another X in the 2nd choice box next to your second choice candidate. You can vote for just one candidate by X the 1st choice box only but you can’t vote for one candidate twice.

Polling stations open at 0700 and will close at 2200 on the 15th of November, the voting system being used for these elections is the Supplementary voting system. Your ballot paper will have the candidates name followed by two boxes like the one above. In this election you can vote for two candidates a first choice and a second choice candidate or you can vote for just one. Voting is simple firstly read your ballot paper carefully as it may be slightly different from the one above but you will then put a X in the 1st choice box next to your first choice candidate and then another X in the 2nd choice box next to your second choice candidate. You can vote for just one candidate by X the 1st choice box only but you can’t vote for one candidate twice.
To work out the results all the ballots will be counted and if the
candidate with the most votes happens to have over 50% of the vote they win. If no candidate has 50% of the vote then the
top two candidates will be carried forward to a second round and all the other candidates
are eliminated. Ballots who have a 1st
choice vote was for an eliminated candidate will their votes redistributed among the remaining candidates based and the second choice (obviously if the
1st and second choice votes were for candidates who were eliminated in
the first round the vote won’t be redistributed) The candidate with the most
votes after the second round wins (General elections have a much simpler
The Humberside Candidates
In Humberside 7 candidates are standing one for each of the major
parties one for UKIP and 3 independents.
So let’s take a look at The Candidates.
John Prescott
– Labour
John is a seasoned politician and was Tony Blair’s Deputy Prime
Minister he was the MP for Hull East for 40 years between 1970 and 2010 so has
a great knowledge of the local area. Below is John’s Election Statement:
I am proud to have been part of a Government that cut crime across the Humberside Police force area by 43%. We did it by introducing community policing, PCSOs, CCTV cameras and ASBOs and by being tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime.
I am proud to have been part of a Government that cut crime across the Humberside Police force area by 43%. We did it by introducing community policing, PCSOs, CCTV cameras and ASBOs and by being tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime.
But all that is at
risk from the Coalition Government cutting the police budget by 20%. It means
Humberside Police, which has the fourth highest number of recorded crimes in
England and Wales, is proposing to axe 440 police officers at twice the rate of
any other force in England and Wales.
I passionately oppose this and any attempt to
privatise the police. That’s why we need an alternative plan that will make you
feel safer, keep bobbies on the beat, be smarter with our resources and allow
you to set our policing priorities.
If elected, my focus as your full-time commissioner
will be to cut anti-social behaviour, tackle rural crime, stop drug users
re-offending, clamp down on binge drinking and offer more support for victims
of crime.
I will extend community payback schemes to make
criminals repay their debt with you setting the punishments and
introduce a People’s Police and Crime Commission to give you a greater say in
how we tackle crime and tour the region holding police surgeries.
I will also create better partnerships between the
people, police, local authorities, voluntary bodies, neighbourhood watch groups
and other agencies to beat crime.
This election isn’t about the candidates. It’s about
you and keeping you safe. Vote for me and I’ll always put you and beating
crime, first.
Matthew Grove –
Matthew is a business man who runs a successful nationwide
business, he also serves as a local Councillor and has faced local challenges
such as the 2007 floods. He also reached cabinet level at council level he was
the Minister for Highways and emergency planning.
Below is Matthew’s election statement:
I have one priority – to cut crime. I will challenge head on the cycle of re-offending, supporting tougher community sentences so justice is seen to be done and will always put victims ahead of criminals.
Below is Matthew’s election statement:
I have one priority – to cut crime. I will challenge head on the cycle of re-offending, supporting tougher community sentences so justice is seen to be done and will always put victims ahead of criminals.
I will free our police officers from unnecessary bureaucracy and targets so they can fight crime
not fill forms. I will recruit more Special Constables to be deployed directly
in to our communities and look to maintain numbers of PCSOs.
We must take the fight to the criminals, not just deal
with the aftermath. We know who the habitual criminals are. We must target them
instead of allowing them to target the innocent.
For those whose drunken, anti-social behaviour blights
our streets at night I will be looking to charge them for the cost of the
police time spent dealing with them.
I will support effective rehabilitation and the fantastic work of those who
help offenders re-join society. Continuing a life of crime can no longer be the
easy option. We should help offenders who want to turn their lives around and
not tolerate those who choose to make other people’s lives a misery.
Preventing crime and re-offending works when all the
related services join together alongside our communities, so that offenders
don’t fall through the gaps that can exist. I will ensure there are no
hiding places for criminals. I will protect investment in
projects which have a proven success rate but will not waste money on rewarding
I will be the Police and Crime Commissioner for the
whole area, a strong, local, independent-minded voice serving all residents and
working closely with the public, chief constable, police officers and other
organisations to make our neighbourhoods safer.
Simone Butterworth –
Lib Dem
Simone is a long time Humberside resident with a
history of volunteering work for organisations such as the Dove House Hospice
and Aids Action. Simone has also served
as a local Councillor for over 15 years.
Below is her election statement:
Dear resident,
Vote for me – and my first act will be to cut my own
Too many politicians are out of touch with people like
you and me. They just don’t understand the problems we face on a daily basis.
The idea that Humberside’s new elected “Police
Commissioner” should be paid £75,000 a year is outrageous – especially when
there’s so little money to go round at the moment.
That’s why my first act as your new Police
Commissioner will be to cut that salary – and use the money that’s saved to
support charities that help victims of crime instead.
The winner of this election will have huge power over
local policing – so your vote really matters.
I’m determined to run a positive campaign. I want to
make sure local people’s views are listened to. I will push for more crime prevention and more support for victims of crime.
Fifteen years as a local councillor has taught me how
to get things done. My extensive network of contacts will enable me to really
hit the ground running.
At a time when there’s precious little money to go
round, I will make sure the Police’s resources are focused on visible,
front-line policing and supporting victims of crime.
Our local Police should be accountable and independent – with no political
interference in day-to-day policing. The wrong person getting the Commissioner
job could be a disaster.
I won’t make this job about party-political point
scoring. Local policing is too important for that.
Above all, I want local Policing to be accountable to
you – listening, responding to local problems, and keeping local communities
With best wishes,
Simone Butterworth
Simone Butterworth
Godfrey Bloom – UKIP
Godfrey has lived in the area for over 30 years he has
worked at senior management level for 35 years in the financial industry for 35
years as well as 30 years in the TA.
Godfrey was also elected as a UKIP representative to the European parliament
in 2004 and was re-elected in 2009.
Godfrey’s election statement is below:
The Police and Crime
Commissioner post is new, so there is much learning to be done. It
requires a proven understanding of, and ability to run significant
budgets. Humberside is £180 million. There is a requirement to
manage and lead at a very senior level. It is essential to prioritise
with rising crime and reducing resources. This is no easy task.
Every candidate must be examined in detail before the
electorate vote. The wrong choice could be disastrous. I offer 35 years
in the private sector managing people and budgets at very senior level.
Experience of being part of a uniformed team of men and women, 30 years in the
Territorial Army with experience of logistics at Armoured Divisional
level. I am also a graduate of the Royal College of Defence Studies and
therefore trained in strategic analysis. I have political experience of 8
years, though proud to say I am not a professional politician of whom there are
far too many already!
I will use the role as a platform for lobbying
government for a realistic sentencing policy as well as reducing speed cameras
as a source of revenue. I also have plans to put rural and property crime
higher up the list of
priorities than it appears to be at the moment. I do not accept some
academics’ view that burglary is ‘low harm’.
My running mate, Mike Speakman was a very senior
policeman for 30 years including a period as Deputy Chief Constable in
Humberside. In short we have the most experienced management team for
this office in the country.
I am old fashioned, victim orientated and anti
political correctness. If you are a villain, I’m not your man!
Paul Davison – Independent
No candidate has the level of understanding Paul has
about the Humberside police force, he retired this year after 30 years as a Chief
Superintendent in charge of policing in the East Riding. If you are looking for a candidate who has
knowledge of how the police work Paul is your man. Also before writing this
blog I asked all the candidates on twitter why you should vote for them? Paul
was the only one who got back to me and here is what he said - @Glenn_Shooter you can trust me, I am
competent to do the job. I will make a big difference to local communities. U
could call me anytime.
Paul’s election statement below:
I am standing as an
independent candidate because I believe that I possess the passion, skill and
determination to make local communities across Humberside the safest in the
Using knowledge and expertise gained over thirty years
I achieved this for people living in the East Riding of Yorkshire when I was in
charge of policing. The challenge will be to do the same in Hull, North East
Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire, against a background of
reduced resources. This can be done. Accordingly, I would set out an ambitious
but achievable 5 year plan for the Chief Constable to deliver on your behalf.
The plan would be shaped by your views. From talking to people across
Humberside, this will inevitably include more officers on patrol, reducing
neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour and keeping police stations open
and accessible.
My role will be to fight for you and make sure that
the police and key partners responsible for keeping you safe put you at
the heart of everything they do. I would be available for you to contact me
directly should you need help or advice. I want you to receive a service from
the police that exceeds your expectations and I would hold the Chief Constable
to account to make sure this happens.
It would be an honour and a privilege to be your
elected Police and Crime Commissioner. I would always act in your best
interests and bring integrity, professionalism and competence to this unique
role. The 15 November 2012 must be remembered as the date when British
policing became more accountable to you and therefore changed for the better.
Walter Sweeney – Independent
Walter is a former Conservative MP for the Vale of
Glamorgan, he has also worked as a solicitor so has a solid knowledge of our country’s
legal system as well as all this Walter has also served as a chairman of a police
authority (who do a similar job to what the Police Crime commissioners will be
Below is Walters Election Statement:
Your PCC should ideally be knowledgeable about policing,
independent of any political party and independent of the police. I tick
all these boxes. I studied law and politics at Hull University and then
Criminology at Cambridge where I did research on police management. I am a
solicitor currently practising with a leading firm in Hull and for many years,
specialized in both prosecuting and defending in the courts. I served as acting
chairman of Bedfordshire Police Authority. While I was M.P. for the Vale
of Glamorgan, I acted as an unpaid adviser to Michael Howard Q.C. and served on
the Home Affairs Select Committee. I successfully campaigned for better pay and
conditions for the police and for the introduction of CCTV to reduce town
centre crime. I campaigned in Parliament for fully compatible IT systems to be
introduced in every police force (which if implemented would have avoided the
Soham murders) and tabled a private member’s bill to give improved rights to
victims of burglaries to defend themselves.
We all need and deserve better protection from criminal behaviour. I will work
with you to achieve this.
If elected, I will:
- Give
full support to our police, local government, the legal profession, the
probation service and charities involved in the fight to reduce crime and
improve detection and conviction rates;
- Help
the victims of crime;
- Help
divert criminals from a life of crime;
- Strive
to achieve improved value for money;
- Build
better relations between police and public, to reduce crime and increase
- Work
full time to represent YOUR interests in cutting crime, wherever you live,
whatever your politics and whoever you are.
Neil Eyre - Independent
Neil is a former Solider serving in the Royal Signals,
Neil has spent most of his civilian career as a project manager. Neil also ran unsuccessfully in the last
council ward elections although he did beat the Conservative candidate:
Neil’s does not have an election statement but I have found his vision of the
Humberside Police under him:
Basic common sense
dictates that the police can’t protect and serve all the people all the time so
where ever possible we should look to replace the role of the police with
community actions. These community actions should be wholly voluntary and
wholly peaceful. We want our police service chasing after real criminals that
have committed real crimes against real people. We want the police to protect
us as much as possible whether it’s by reducing paperwork and having them
walking the streets or meeting up at community centers with local people. We
want a police service that has the appearance of ‘getting the job done’ not
just statistics that get manipulated into giving the public the falsity that
everything is OK. The police are there to protect and serve. I think serve is
the most important aspect. The police are not there to tell people what to do.
They are not there to run people’s lives or dictate to people how to behave.
They are there to provide a service.
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