Sunday 14 October 2012

To Leave Or Not To Leave Afghanistan

To Leave Or Not To Leave Afghanistan

On October 7th 2001 an international coalition force invaded Afghanistan, 11 years later we are still there.  Since the election of Barack Obama an end is insight for our armed forces in Afghanistan but the question is should we have a withdrawal date? 

To Leave
One reason many politicians would like to leave Afghanistan in 2014 is that it is a popular decision as people are losing faith in the war, particularly when you see British and American troops being killed by the Afghan police and soldiers they are trying to train.  (This next point is based mainly on the British forces as I don’t know if there has been the same level of cuts to allied armies) As our Armed Forces are being cut to balance the nation’s budget maybe rather than cutting the jobs we could leave Afghanistan which would save the country loads of money, slow down recruiting (which is happening) and let natural wastage take affect and don’t make veterans redundant.  My final reason I will put forward for us to leave is Afghanistan is we have succeeded in our main goal was to get rid of Al –Qaeda training camps which threaten the west, we have done that but we are failing when it comes to stabilizing the nation so we should cut our losses pack up and go home.
To Stay
Afghanistan is a warrior nation it is in a constant state of war, by the allied forces leaving Afghanistan it will not end war in Afghanistan all that will happen is the allied trained security forces will fight the Taliban.  If the Taliban win or even just win a region of the country it could produce a west hating safe haven for terrorists. We will then have to constantly attack the area with drones or once again send our forces back to Afghanistan.  At home we fight for equal rights for women and minorities and if we look at Afghanistan due to allied forces women are getting more and more rights and all children can go to school. Although it is a horrible state of affairs in Afghanistan allied forces are slowly improving infrastructure and if we leave now all the good work will be undone.

To conclude I would stay in Afghanistan until the job is finished if we leave to early all those who lost their lives would have lost them for nothing.  As a mark of respect we can’t leave to early. 

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